Hear more about the Pilot program...
You Could be 90 Days Away From Your Own lifestyle Coaching Business!
Hear From Other Coaches On Coaching...
You may recognise some of our Coaches already, Hear their stories below

Chris Beard
From Management To Coaching 12 Clients
“What I enjoy most is picking business owners lives up with some simple steps, some clarity, accountability & a little fun on the way. It changes people’s lives”.

Geoff Young
Leveraging my business owners background
“I get to work with a wide range of businesses from around 200k turnover to over 50 Mil, from businesses with no teams to large teams of 60-70”.

Cathy Young
creating a lifestyle through coaching
“We have true financial independence AND true freedom to do all the things that we want to do. So it gets a tick in every single box”

Lana Ratapu
Building Own Systems vs Plugging into Done-4-U
“I really love the focus on the system that looks at how do we find our fee faster and get financial results much faster than any other system out there”

Paul Hooley
Scaling up from DIY Coach by Joining TRUSTED ADVISOR NETWORK
“It wasn’t about having an ego, but instead leveraging TAN’s material that let me do what I love doing best, and that’s being one-on-one with clients”

Gerard Gallagher
20 Year Consultant Shares Insights from Training
“I’m absolutely blown away by the simplicity of everything, but by the mass scale of everything. There is so many tools in this toolbox”

Watch the Consultant Opportunity...
A detailed video of how we’ve developed a revolutionary marketing position to have you seen by your marketplace as an authority rather than just another coach
Your Discovery Call...
If you’re keen to see how to get fee-paying clients within 90 days and get your lifestyle coaching business launched, then the next step is to catch up on the phone for a Discovery Call. Here’s what we’ll cover on our call together…
- Your current situation and why coaching is on your radar
- Industry insights and if it’s right for you
- The Pilot program opportunity
- Timing for getting started
- Speed to market for signing clients and replacing income