Welcome to Due Diligence.

If you're here, it's because you've seen a new opportunity to leverage your business experience and make a lucrative income from helping business owners to have a lucrative business.

You’ll find everything you need here to conduct your DD so you can make your decision.  It’s a decision that shouldn’t be taken lightly and when you make it, ideally it should come with the support of your family and those who know your capabilities and ambitions.

The period of DD is 10 days on the understanding that “the moment of absolute clarity never arrives” meaning your decision will always carry a “leap of faith”. Now that you’ve seen the opportunity, you’ll either start finding reasons why it’s a great idea or reasons why it’s not. The longer your decision takes, the easier it is for your Comfort Zone to start its inevitable attempt to protect you by finding reasons to stay where you are.

Many good decisions are avoided by listening to an over-active Comfort Zone that tells you they what success, but without the risk of leaving the Comfort Zone. Clearly life doesn’t work that way. This type of thinking leads to frustration, procrastination and, to be blunt, mediocrity.

The 10 day period is therefore a challenge to your ability to evaluate opportunities, take risks and make decisions. You’ll need to coach clients through their Comfort Zones to do the same when they work with you.

It’s these decisions that will transform their results with your help. You’ll qualify to do this task with clients once you’ve done it for yourself in this opportunity.

The DD period also carries a reward for your ability to make a decision. $3,000 is a significant incentive together with $1000 worth of research to build your Top 100 prospective clients. There are genuine savings to TAN when we onboard new members together and conduct the research in batches hence the offer of a discount. So, if much of what you see here is making sense, then take advantage of the savings as they will not be available after the DD period has lapsed.

Please pay $95 to access the content prepared to assist your decision. The amount is immaterial, the intention is to get you invested in a full DD process. Also you’ll be viewing intellectual property that has taken years to develop. Hence the amount is token recognition that you’ll respect what you’re looking at and in no way attempt to replicate or use the information for reasons other than making your decision. The amount can be easily refunded once you’ve made your decision either way.