Membership at Trusted Advisor Network
First things First… We’re not here to convince you to join the Trusted Advisor Network. Instead we’ll simply let you know who’s a good fit, and who’s probably not.
Here’s the ideal fit...
- Existing coaches who have made a start... they've launched their business but are stalled on 3-6 clients
- Have predominantly one type of program being sold… for 1:1 Clients (there may be different price points, but it’s for 1:1 Client programs)
- Have been getting fees based on what the client can afford… rather than on the value their program can deliver
- Have spent a lot of time building program material and marketing material… and it’s still not finished
- Have clear ambition… and want to play a bigger game.
- Have begun over-servicing clients… in the fear that they might lose them
Here’s who else this will fit:
- Have been in business for themselves… and know the benefits of having a trusted advisor
- Those with a Corporate background... and come from an advisory or management role, or…
- Have skills that are valuable… and are keen to know how to monetise them
Who this really will NOT fit:
- People who believe in a magic bullet that will give them a huge income without any work on their part and are in it just for the money
- People who don’t appreciate expertise… and feel compelled to modify, fix and change systems before they are adopted
- People who can only give advice… and who have low value in what it is to be coached (making them “un-coachable”)
While we’re being candid here:
This is a Business Opportunity…
Everything you need is right here, already built, waiting to be monetised. But, you’ll be required to implement what you learn… fast. We’ll be rolling up our sleeves to help you get there. But it will take BOTH of us to achieve the goal of adding a minimum of $100K annual revenues (with scope for much more if you want to scale).
Heres how it works:
First, CLICK on the link below. You’ll be taken to a form where we’ll ask you about your current business set-up… (it doesn’t get weird I promise). We want a quick look at what you’ve already set-up and/or your experience so we can see how to leverage what you have, plug in our know-how, and turn it into income for you…
When we get your responses, one of two things will happen… One: we may think that we can help, but it might be that you have limited set-up and resources that would make it difficult for us to add value. If that’s the case, we’ll let you know (nicely). Or Two: it may be that you’re sitting on a goldmine (e.g. lots of contacts, or lots of experience but no/low client numbers)… if this is the case, it may be that we are a good fit and will schedule a call to talk through the opportunity further.
Before anyone joins our network, we always do a comprehensive Optimisation Plan on your Coaching Business so we are both clear on what we are both aiming for… Once we’re both agreed on a fit, we will not pressure you or hassle you. If you want in, great. If not, that’s fine too. This is about finding a fit and it should be kind of obvious.
Become a Business Coach
Become a Business Coach with Trusted Advisor Network
Would you like to become a business advisor? Trusted Advisor Network has helped dozens of smart and experienced people forge careers they love and create the lives they want to lead. If you like the idea of working for yourself and helping others achieve their business goals at the same time, you’ve come to the right place.
Benefits of Becoming a Business Coach
If you wish to learn how to become a business advisor, you’re on an exciting path. Training as a business advisor is an opportunity to gain the skills that you need to start a new career in a growing field that facilitates improved business performance for your clients. Here are a few of the things that you’ll love about this profession.

Today’s tech platforms allows our advisors from all over the United Kingdom and Ireland to connect in the virtual classroom and through business advisory and training webinars. You’ll benefit from these networks by sharing and receiving ideas, support, contacts, and more.
Acting as a business advisor will reward you with the feelings of accomplishment that come with helping others achieve their goals. You’ll help your clients gain clarity, moving them toward more satisfying and more powerful career directions.
Engaging in a career that’s consistent with your core values is a rare and important advantage of business advisory. This way, your work will become much more than a job – it will be a self-renewing source of satisfaction and fulfilment.
Acting as a professional business advisor puts you in the right position to make new contacts, forge lasting relationships with your clients, and work closely with your collaborators for the most effective outcomes.
What You Should Know About How to Become a Business Advisor
If you would like to become a business advisor, we can help.
There are some basic steps that you can take to get closer to your goal, such as:
Build and develop the right skillsets
Business advisory is, at its core, about relationships. That means that a successful business advisor will enjoy working with people. They will also have more general traits such as a passion for helping others achieve their goals, the ability to encourage clients on their self-discovery paths, and the toughness to hold the client accountable and responsible for their progress.
Learn about running your own business
As a business advisor, you won’t just be helping people run companies, you’ll also be running a business of your own. That may mean that you’ll need to acquire new skills and training on developing your niche, marketing yourself, creating contacts, and operating the various aspects of launching, building and scaling your business in the advisory space.
Find the right training program
There are plenty of business coach training programs around, but it’s essential to select the right one, the one that will teach you what you need to know and provide ongoing support and education. Look for a program that offers a range of topics, such as coaching foundations, leadership development, relationship management, team facilitation, and more.
What Sets TAN Apart When Becoming a Business Advisor
When you’re looking for the right people to teach you how to become a business advisor, look for people who have not only achieved success as an advisor, but for people who have taught others to do the same...

We set ourselves apart from other players in many ways, such as:
Helping you get more clients
If you need more clients, we can help you make that happen for you through a tried-and-true approach. We focus on helping you secure premium clients, learn how group coaching can work for you, and build your coaching firm to present a reliable and trustworthy front to your potential clients.

Proprietary Client Software
Our client software can help your 1:1 client delivery, from one-click plan building to managing the completion of your clients’ tasks to using worksheets to run your sessions. Our customised software will help your clients kick-start your strategies and achieve the greatest success for themselves and, by extension, for you.

Membership to the Trusted Advisor Network
Everything you need to build your business is right here, just waiting to be monetised. If you are already a business coach who needs more clients or a wider range of services, aren’t getting the fees you deserve based on the value of your program or are simply an ambitious person looking for more success, our program is for you.

About Trusted Advisor Network
At Trusted Advisor Network, we can train you to become a business advisor. Our advisory platform can provide you with all the content, skills and knowledge you need to create your ideal career. We offer extremely comprehensive membership benefits for far less than expensive franchise options. We also invite you to take advantage of our Pilot Program that provides you with full training and access to resources for a 90 day period. Once you see how easily you can attract, convert and retain long-term premium clients, then you’ll know you’re in the right place. On successful completion of your Pilot Program, you’ll be invited to join our network as a full member with ongoing support and development of your advisory business. If you’re ready to take the next step toward financial independence and running your own business coaching business, contact us today.