CH_The Team Session
The Team Session
Save yourself time & energy and make facilitating Team Sessions a whole lot easier...
The Team Session focuses on...
Getting together with the team can be done with the client and their team. Alternatively, you can join them and facilitate. Either way, a SWOT analysis is a very useful method of getting the team to think, contribute and take action on the topic that you introduce to them using the SWOT approach…
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CH_The Price Review
The Price Review
Get clear on what to work on in your first session with a new client...
The Price Review Workbook Includes...
- The Margin Squeeze Assessment where your client is able to assess whether tight margins are a factor for them in their business right now
- A ‘Price Increase’ Matrix which looks at the exact % your clients sales can drop before profit is affected when adopting a premium pricing strategy.
- A ‘Price Discount’ matrix that reveals exactly how much sales would need to increase by in order to maintain your client’s margins
- Strategies they can adopt to optimise their prices & improve their margins straight away
Let us know where to send your copy below...
CH_The Target Identifier
The Target Identifier
Get clear on WHO your working with and WHERE to find them...
Make a start with those businesses you know in your current network...
- Current contacts of yours that you deal with in your current line of work
- Other contacts that you’ve had contact with outside of your current line of work
- Referral contacts who can introduce you to others they know.
Use the worksheet to get started before you determine the best way of approaching them…